Hydra Movement: Strength is just the beginning!
warm up
WEIGHTLIFTING WARM UP Row x 500m Then complete 10-15 reps on: Wrist, elbow, arm, torso, hip and knee circles Arm swings back and over, seal slaps, Leg swings back and forth and side to side then Russian baby makers then 3 rounds of ankle loading in a squat MUSCLE SNATCH No Leg Snatch 3 X 5 : 30-50% Judo pop or Box Jump 5 reps after every set ** if you trained snatches on Sat you will perform Jerk Presses Instead power POWER SNATCH The power snatch is the most basic variation of the snatch; the only difference is the height at which the bar is received. The power snatch can be used to train speed and force production in both the second pull and the third pull by limiting the amount of time and distance the lifter has available to get under the bar. 1 X 5 : 65% 1 X 5 : 70% 1 X 5 : 70% 1 X 5 : 75% REST 90-120sec ** If you performed cleans in you last training session, this will be a 3 position snatch drill for you Between Sets, you will complete a 90s focus drill given by the coach **If you trained snatches on the weekend, you will be running cleans instead at the same percentages 3 POSITION CLEAN + 1 X JERK Clean from the ground (pos 1), knees or Low Hang (pos 2) and hips or high hang (pos 3), followed by one Split Jerk 10 X 3 : 75%+ strength PUSH PRESS The push press is a very common accessory exercise in weightlifting to help the jerk. If the knees rebend at all after the initial dip and drive, the lift is no longer a push press, but a push jerk. If the feet remain totally flat during the drive of the legs, the drive is not hard or long enough—the heels will rise at least slightly if the leg drive is adequate. Each rep of multiple-rep sets should begin from a dead stop and the full jerk rack position. 4 X 5 : 70% BACK SQUAT AKA Squat The back squat is the most basic strength exercise in weightlifting, and one of the most commonly used exercises other than the competition lifts. 1 X 20 : 65% cool down Complete 2-3 rounds of: Harop curls x 5 Back Extensions x 10 Jefferson Curls x 10 Passive Hang x 30s Back to Wall Handstand Hold x 30-45sec Love it? Let us know by commenting below!
AuthorAnurag Gill is the Head Coach at HYDRA Movement in Moonee Ponds. Archives
June 2019
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