warm up:
complete 2 Rounds of: Calf Raises x 20 Bent Leg Lifts x 15 bodysurfing x 60sec Baby Pistols x 5 on each leg strength: Barbell front or back rack lunges 4 x 5reps Goodmorning Squat 4 x 5 Conditioning Deadlift - Burpee ladder @65% 10-9-8....1 rep prehab Hypers 2 x 10 Body Surfing 2 x 60sec Twisted terror
For 48 min with a partner complete 8 rounds of 30 sec on/off Row for calories (only work 20s so you can change over) Pull ups push ups sit ups squats quickstep pre-wod
complete 3 rounds of: Scap Pulls x 10 Toes to bar x 20 Squat x 30 wod: HELEN var. 3 Rounds for Time 175 Double Unders/ 500 Skips KBS x 21 Pull ups x 12 scaling: you can kip but if you cannot handle 12 pull ups or cannot pull, scale to barbell rows post wod: good morning squat 2 x 10 reps @ 20/15kg Hyperextensions 2 x 10reps |
AuthorAnurag Gill is the Head Coach at HYDRA Movement in Moonee Ponds. Archives
June 2019
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