warm up:
complete 3 Rounds of: sit-stand-kneel squat x 12 calf raises x 15 Strength: Broad Jumps 4x 5 Harop Curls 4x 5 Single Leg Calf Raises 3 x 20reps hyper extensions 3 x 10 reps Conditioning Annie var 50-40-30-20-10reps on KB Swings @24/16kg Sit Ups then Run 800m WOD
24 min EMOM 50 DUs 15 sit ups 15 lunges 20 hand release push ups Death by Wall Balls 15 min Cap 10 WBS in 1st min, then add one every min complete 15 min of:
overhead squat x 5 back squat x 10 arching active hang x 15sec conditioning complete 5 rounds of: P Snatch x 5 Burpee x 7 Toes to bar x 9 then 2 rounds of max reps on Push Ups perform 10 x rolling squats after every attempt Complete 3 Rounds of:
200m Run Bear Walk x 7m pull ups x 3reps Push Ups x 5reps WOD Complete for time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of Pull Ups Handstand Taps or lateral walks Run to District North between sets scaling: barbell rows warm up:
complete 5 rounds of: muscle clean x 5 with stick if needed overhead squat x 5 with stick if needed sots press x 5 with stick if needed strength: complete 4 rounds of: power clean x 5 @ 65% (focus on moving fast and catching fast moving the knees up) Jerk Presses x 5 front squats x 3 w 3s pause @ 80% Cooldown Lying Cross Stretch 2 x 5 Jefferson Curls 2 x 5 hold both movements for 10s on your last reps WOD
Find your Front squat 1rm Metcon Complete 2 rounds of 21 kb swings @24/16kg 21 thrusters 21 kbs 15 thrusters 21 kb swing 9 thrusters Scaling: push press instead of thrusters warm up:
complete 5 rounds of: muscle snatch x 2 Overhead Squat x 3 SOTS Press x 5 strength: hang Power Clean 3 x 5 @65% low hang power cleans 3 x 4 + 1 x jerk clean pulls 4 x 5 clean first pulls 4 x 3 w 3s pause prehab & cool down: good morning squat 2 x 10 reps @ 20/15kg ukranian Deadlift 2 x 10 pre wod
Complete 3 Rounds of: 200m Run Bear Walk x 21m push ups x 7 WOD Complete 5 rounds of Lunges x 10 steps on each leg Wall Balls Shots x 8 Burpees x 6 Pull Ups x 4 run 200m (to district north) REST 3 min then Row x 2km warm up:
Scap Push Ups x 100 complete 2 rnds of : lunge x 20 steps Toes to bar x 12 Strength: bulgarian split squat 3 x 7 Harop Curls 3 x 5 complete within 30 min kb swings x 500reps if achieved previously use a heavier weight Prehab Lying Cross Stretch 2 x 10 (+15s) Active Pigeon 2 x 10(+15s) WOD 1
Complete a 20min EMOM on 1. Row 14/10 calories 2. Wall ball shots -amrap in 60sec 3. Rest completely WOD 2 complete for time: 100 double unders or 300 skips every stop complete the same number of sit ups |
AuthorAnurag Gill is the Head Coach at HYDRA Movement in Moonee Ponds. Archives
June 2019
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