For Time: - 30 min cut off 400m Run 50 Box Jumps 24/20 400m Run 50 K.B Swings 24/16kg 400m Run 50 Wall Balls 9/6kg 400m Run 50 Sit ups 400m Run 50 O.H lunges 20/15 400m Run 50 T2B PHASE 3: OLY
warm up: 4 rounds of: muscle clean x 5 overhead squat x 5 klokov press x 5 strength: all from High Hang power clean 3 x 5 @ 65% jerk press 3 x 5 @ 70% clean and jerk 5 x 2 @ 80%+ front squats x 3 w 2s pause @ 70% prehab & cool down: good morning squat 3 x 10 reps @ 20/15kg cuban rotations 3 x 1min WOD by Coach Shiv
Warm up 3 Rounds of 250m Row 10 broad jumps 10 kips (hanging from bar) 10 kb swings 10 kipping knees to elbows Skill (partner them up- 2’s or 3’s) 8 sets of 1 vertical jump + 2 broad jumps 45sec between attempts 16min EMOM 8 TTB 8 KB Swings 32/24 (70/53) Cool down. 10 x Jeff curls (+10 hold) 20- 30 sec passive hang from bar x2 PHASE 3: OLY BASICS
warm up: complete 3 rounds of GM Squat x 5 First Pull to squat x 5 @3s SOTS x 5 strength: Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 x 5 @AHAP (at least 60% of DL) Bench Press + Ring Row 4 x 5 each Klokov Press 4 x 5 prehab & cool down: Wall Cubans 3 x 15 @ 2020 Middle Split 3 x 45s
warm up: complete 3 rounds of GM Squat x 5 First Pull to Squat Drill x 5 @3s pause each SOTS x 5 strength: Power Snatch 4 x 5 @ 65% Snatch first pulls 4 x 5@ 90% w 3s pause Snatch Grip Deadlift 4 x 5 prehab & cool down: SOTS press 3 x 5 (+10s) Ukranian Deadlift 3 x 5 (+10s)
Partner WOD by Coach Shiv
For Time Buy in: Partner carry to district north and back Then 80 KB Swings 28/20kg 50 Push ups 50 Partner Sit ups Claps (both together) 50 Pull ups 50 Box jumps 80 Oh lunges 20/15 Buy Out: Partner carry to district north and back Friday 21st July by Coach Shiv
Strength (Super set every 2.5 mins) 5 Sets of: 5 Pause Push press (3 sec pause) 30sec Scoop rocks/hold 0:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 5 mins to warm up push press weight WOD 18 min AMRAP 15 Box jumps 12 Push press 52/34kg 9 TTB
AuthorAnurag Gill is the Head Coach at HYDRA Movement in Moonee Ponds. Archives
June 2019
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