Straight Arm Strength (SAS) Snatch (from hips) 5 x 3 Snatch 2nd Pulls 5 x 3 Fight Gone Bad (FGB) Complete 5 rounds of 1min each Pull Ups/ Ring Rows Box Jumps @ 24/20’’ Push Press @ 30/20kg Row for Calories WBS @ 6/3kg Rest Cool Down Active Pigeon Stretch Dave will be running the 6am and the 12.15pm class kids. If you have any benchmarks left, you can finish them either before or after the class or on Saturday.
There have been many many many PBs set and I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work monkeys. The new 6 week program begins next week. We will be running a little fun comp for just you monkeys after the next conditioning piece - just fun with a bit of hard work and some good food See you tomorrow kids! MOBILITY
Box Shaping DRILL for hollows 3 x 60s Shoulder Box Stretch 3 x 20s Benchmarks: Scoop Hold x max effort Handstand Hold x max effort Up to 3 attempts to set your best Row x 500m Run x 500 Well done guys! Now that we re in the middle of the week and all the complex benchmarks have been sorted, lets get down to the nitty gritty!
Squats, Squats and more squats Today's benchmarks 30 min to find: Back Squat x 1RM Front Squat x 1RM Skill: 15 min to find a 'nice' 5 rep set Deadlift Conditioning Row 250m Run 500m Awesome Job Today Monkeys! What an amazing start to the benchmarking week. Pb's by everyone!. Here is Hugh - he joined us roughly 4 weeks ago with no lifting background, just an attitude to learn and lots of hard work. He pulled a 60kg Snatch from a High Hang.
Good job everyone, there's 3 more days to go! Tuesday Benchmarking: 20 min to find 1RM or 7 attempts Clean & Jerk Max Effort Push Ups Conditioning: 50 Burpees or 5 min whatever comes first Hi Monkeys,
The week we have been waiting finally here. You endured the last 6 weeks of the strength cycle, some of you trained 3, some almost 6 days a week every week and were in a lot of pain. There was a reason for that. Its the pain of effort - that is something else. In a strength cycle, you are often exercising muscles you have seldom used before. To those unaccustomed to heavy training it may seem rather daunting. Many of us are shocked and want to quit right then and there. If you persist (and you have), however, you will hopefully realise that what you feel is not even pain, but is really just the feel of unaccustomed effort. And trust me not only can that be gotten accustomed to, you can enjoy it too or at least welcome its challenge. Eventually the pain will not be noticed, and it will be taken for granted (one day) Your goals determine what level of gain and pain will be required. On the one hand you can indeed train without getting to a point where any significant effort is felt. But progress, assuming any is made, will be very slow. If the body is not stressed enough, any significant adaptation will not occur and that may suit some trainees just fine, if their ambitions are modest. A light routine that is done regularly is still better than no routine done at all. On the other, if you are more ambitious, you will have to put in much more effort. You can call that pain or you can call it strenuous effort, but it will take some work. The rewards will also be much higher. Pain level and gain level, the choices are yours. NOW FOR THE FUN PART! Benchmarks to be completed over Monday - Tuesday are: Snatch 1RM Clean and Jerk 1RM Max Pull Ups Max Push Ups We will be working other skill sets apart from the benchmarks everyday. If you have missed a benchmark, you can choose to complete them either outside the class, or during a class on the side - the choice is yours Dave will be running our 6am and 12.15pm classes on Friday for the next few weeks. Here is a bit about him
Ido Portal's Movement Camps 2012, 2013 Trained under Yuval Ayalon, Traiined under Alex Mizzen Trained at Spin Circus Academy 4 years Muay Thai experience Clean & Jerk (from blocks) 4 x 3
Front Squat 4 x 3 1-5 Ladder Tyre Flip Sprints x 20m 30min AMRAP
Muscle Ups x 2 OR Pull ups x 3 Rope Climb x 5m HSPU x 3 Rest as much as needed 20min AMRAP 10 on each side - Sledge Hammer Hits Shoulder stand Press to L-sit/ L-Sit Press x 15s Hang Snatch (from blocks) 4 x 3
Box Jumps 4 x 5 Hang High Pulls (from blocks) 3 x 3 Sn. Grip 1st Pulls 3 x 3 Back Squats 4 x 3 |
AuthorAnurag Gill is the Head Coach at HYDRA Movement in Moonee Ponds. Archives
June 2019
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